Grand Criminal Online Apk and Obb download for android

Grand Criminal Online Apk and Obb download for android

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Just look at THIS! Almost eight tonsof German high-alloy steel! A threat to any enemy! The most powerful gunin World of Tanks! Thousands dream of it! Millions tremble before it! But sometimeseven this gun can’t compensate for the “outstanding” skillsof a player. To avoid this happening too often, today we’ll talkabout armor penetration. Explaining MechanicsArmor Penetration Any gun hasa standard set of characteristics: damage, accuracy,aiming time, and rate of fire. But all this is useless if you’re unableto penetrate the armor. To fire effectively,you should learn how penetration mechanics work,understand their principles. Let’s start with some theoryfrom our confidential informant. Every shell in the gamehas its penetration capability. The documentationspecifies its average value when firing from 100 meters. The actual penetrationcan be 25 percent higher or lower. The damage causedis calculated in a similar manner. Thanks, CI! Let's go furtherand have a small experiment. We’ll take two T57 Heavyand two AMX tanks. This choice is not accidental: both vehicles feature 120-mm guns,equal average damage, and almost the same penetration with Armor-Piercingand High-Explosive shells. The key differenceis the type of Premium shells they have. The AMX featuresArmor-Piercing Composite Rigid shells, and the T57 Heavy can fireHigh-Explosive Anti-Tank shells. The targets are placednot far from our vehicles. I don’t think any of the tankswill have problems penetrating their armor,but let's see. The first tankfires an AP shell; the second shootsan APCR shell; the third vehiclegoes for a HEAT shell; and the fourthfiresan HE shell. None of them had a problem. Let’s make the taskmore complicated: we’ll put the targets behind coverand repeat the experiment. As you can see,the result is a bit different... The HE shelldealt only splash damage, and the HEAT shellgot stuck in the fence. But this isn’t over yet. Now we’re goingto remove the obstacles and take the targeta bit farther away. The guns fire, and... The result is different again. Few people realize that different shell typeswould be best for firing at the same targetin different situations. To do this correctly,you need some theory. As you know,there are four shell types, each with its unique properties. 

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